A peoples' radical environmentalism: the first step towards an emancipatory socio-ecological transition
The climate crisis that threatens life on Earth is not isolated from popular struggles for land, territory and food sovereignty. In Brazil, through organisations such…
Radical Environment of Peoples - Catastrophe and Popular Struggle
Watch the conversation with Neto Onire and Erahsto Felício, Alameda affiliated researchers, on the urgency of radical environmentalism and popular mobilisation as ways to confront the…
Surplus and Displacement, Refugees and Migrants
Originally published at Global Dialogues. Download the article INFOSHEET This article seeks to elaborate on the notion of “surplus population” as a characterization of unemployed…
The Political Economy of Anti-Syrian Hostility in Post-Crisis Lebanon - Report
Lebanon is going through one of the worst economic crises in modern history. At the same time, Lebanon hosts the largest refugee population per capita…
Elections in France - a victory that didn't happen
A reorientação social e institucional autoritária não precisa necessariamente da extrema direita no poder
Olimpíadas do Rio e de Tóquio vendem uma ilusão
Organizações esportivas desconsideram democracia e resistência das populações anfitriãs __ Naquele momento, as coisas pareciam estar caminhando muito bem. Mas o ar da noite estava…
Uberização e os direitos dos trabalhadores de aplicativos
Um espectro ronda o trabalho uberizado no Brasil desde que esse conceito foi inventado: o espectro da regulamentação. Quando a Uber surgiu no Brasil, já…
When the world of emergency met the climate crisis
June 13, 2024 For a moment it looked like the COVID-19 pandemic would be the event that would change the world. Or, at least, enough…
The future starts in South Africa
The country’s political disintegration offers a glimpse into how Western democracies could fail. In Cape Town on 2 January 2022, a mysterious fire broke out…
As novas alianças estratégicas na luta pela terra
Defendendo a aliança preta, indígena e popular, a Teia dos Povos transforma a luta por terra e território no centro de um projeto revolucionário que…