A Critical Reflection on Humanitarian Reform – Past, Present, Future

by Eleanor Davey

The report led by Eleanor Davey and Fernando Espada captures vital insights from a workshop that brought together humanitarian reformers, scholars, and sector leaders to dissect the evolving landscape of reform. With an eye toward the complex interplay between climate change, geopolitics, and structural limitations, it offers a nuanced examination of the barriers that persist within humanitarian practices. The report traces the roots of today’s reform efforts, questioning whether entrenched structures can adapt to a world of increasing crises and identifying areas where systemic constraints and organisational inertia often thwart meaningful change.

From themes of localisation and colonial legacies to the influence of vested interests and the challenges of envisioning alternative futures, the report provides an unflinching look at the humanitarian system’s critical juncture. It invites humanitarian professionals, students, and researchers to consider both the resilience and the fragility within this ecosystem and to explore fresh, actionable approaches to reform that foreground accountability, equity, and adaptability. Download the report here to engage with these vital conversations on reshaping the humanitarian response to meet the demands of our era.

Eleanor Davey - Alameda

Eleanor Davey

Eleanor Davey escreve sobre histórias de ajuda e ativismo e como as perspectivas históricas podem informar os entendimentos atuais. Seu livro Idealism beyond Borders (Idealismo além das fronteiras) examinou como as ideias sobre a responsabilidade pelo sofrimento dos outros moldaram os compromissos políticos e humanitários na França, incluindo a criação da Médicos Sem Fronteiras. Ela publicou sobre dinâmicas de poder e debates dentro e entre organizações humanitárias e seus interlocutores, incluindo histórias do direito humanitário internacional e outros conceitos de intervenção, engajamentos humanitários com grupos armados anticoloniais e ajuda em situações de deslocamento e confinamento. Além de sua própria pesquisa, ela apoiou uma ampla gama de projetos de pesquisa acadêmicos e voltados para a prática, por meio de várias funções no Overseas Development Institute (Londres), no Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (Universidade de Manchester) e no Humanitarian Advisory Group (Melbourne).


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