VII / Teses sobre a situação na Ucrânia
History appears again to be running in reverse and, as it were, in negative, with dark and light having switched places. The Russians now deploy…
VI / Da Sérvia à Ucrânia: Nem a revolução nem a contrarrevolução oferecem uma saída
On the left, discussions about the horror unfolding in Ukraine have predictably been reduced to dead-end debates that are easily shut down by angry online…
V / O capitalismo russo é tanto político quanto normal: Sobre expropriação e reprodução social
In 2006, in his book The Development of Capitalism in Russia, the late sociologist Simon Clarke wrote that, “a voluntaristic and dualistic approach, which analyses…
IV / Guerra contrária (revolucionária) contra a sociedade
Volodymyr Ishchenko and Ilya Matveev debate the question of what kind of rationality stands behind Putin’s decision to attack Ukraine. Is Russia’s elite an ideologically-motivated…
III / A guerra na Ucrânia e o capital russo: Do imperialismo militar-econômico ao imperialismo militar completo
Volodymyr Ishchenko makes an important contribution to the debate on the nature of Russian imperialism and the war in Ukraine. He postulates that behind the…
II / O conflito de classes por trás da guerra da Rússia
Since Russian forces invaded Ukraine earlier this year, analysts across the political spectrum have struggled to identify exactly what — or who — led us…