
Україна: війна, зміна клімату та обмеження гуманітарної системи

The report A Critical Reflection on Humanitarian Reform – Past, Present, Future led by Eleanor Davey captures vital insights from a workshop that brought together humanitarian…

Ucrânia: guerra, mudança climática e as limitações do sistema humanitário

The report A Critical Reflection on Humanitarian Reform – Past, Present, Future led by Eleanor Davey captures vital insights from a workshop that brought together humanitarian…

Um ambientalismo radical dos povos: o primeiro passo para uma transição socioecológica emancipatória

The climate crisis that threatens life on Earth is not isolated from popular struggles for land, territory and food sovereignty. In Brazil, through organisations such…

Urbanismo distópico: Cidades inteligentes em tempos de catástrofe

There are various visions of ecological transition competing for our attention, not all of which will deliver on what they claim. Too often, companies, governments,…

Sem saída no escuro: como sair da crise de eletricidade na África do Sul

Deadlocked in the dark In 2023, South Africans endured 6,947 hours of electricity outages, nearly double the figure from the previous year. While early signs…

Uma reflexão crítica sobre a reforma humanitária - passado, presente e futuro

The report A Critical Reflection on Humanitarian Reform – Past, Present, Future led by Eleanor Davey captures vital insights from a workshop that brought together humanitarian…

Excedente e deslocamento, refugiados e migrantes

Originally published at Global Dialogues. Download the article INFOSHEET This article seeks to elaborate on the notion of “surplus population” as a characterization of unemployed…

Elections in France - a victory that didn't happen

A reorientação social e institucional autoritária não precisa necessariamente da extrema direita no poder

A batalha neoliberal pela reconstrução da Ucrânia

The country’s postwar future is almost as riven as the war itself.__ At a breakfast discussion at Davos in January 2023, the BlackRock CEO Larry…

Latin American Alternatives to Green Colonialism (Alternativas latino-americanas ao colonialismo verde), de Sabrina Fernandes

In her lecture at the University of Barcelona titled “Just Transition in the Polycrisis: Latin American Alternatives to Green Colonialism,” Sabrina Fernandes talks about eco-social…
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