Energy and ecosocial democracy against fossil gattopardismo
From Azerbaijan to Guanajuato, energy is at the centre of geopolitical agendas and conflicts. Global militarisation and inter-imperial competition are largely associated with disputes over…
Deadlock in the dark: breaking out of the South African electricity crisis
Deadlocked in the dark In 2023, South Africans endured 6,947 hours of electricity outages, nearly double the figure from the previous year. While early signs…
Five principles of an internationalist just transition to overcome the traps of the ‘green’ economy
The global debate on sustainability is being shaped by the powerful interests and trade agendas of already-industrialised nations. As a consequence, so-called ‘green’ policies are…
To decarbonise is not enough
A transition to a world without fossil fuels is necessary to mitigate the worst of climate change. Whereas ‘mitigation’ and ‘adaptation’ are two words heavily…
Alternatives to conflicts over wind and solar megaprojects, and pathways towards energy democracy in Brazil
Introduction The challenge facing the world since the Paris Agreement in 2015 is gigantic: to limit the increase in global temperature to 2.0°C, preferably 1.5°C,…
ReBuild Ukraine: powered by de-risking neoliberalism
On April 21, 2022, only two months after Russia’s invasion, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, issued a decree establishing the National Council for the…
Organising transitions in the climate emergency
Why talk about transition today? The answer hardly needs explaining. Five years ago, a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated that humankind…
A eliminação gradual dos combustíveis fósseis é um requisito para um mundo pacífico
Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing genocide in Palestine have exposed the undeniable connections between the climate crisis, fossil fuels, and war. This…
Um ambientalismo radical dos povos: o primeiro passo para uma transição socioecológica emancipatória
The climate crisis that threatens life on Earth is not isolated from popular struggles for land, territory and food sovereignty. In Brazil, through organisations such…
Urbanismo distópico: Cidades inteligentes em tempos de catástrofe
There are various visions of ecological transition competing for our attention, not all of which will deliver on what they claim. Too often, companies, governments,…