Transition and Climate Justice, by Sabrina Fernandes

por Sabrina Fernandes

Edward Burtynsky’s aerial photograph in the video image – which looks a lot like a painting – can lead to confusion: we need to find out if it’s near or far, going up or down, or what terrain it is installed in. It is an image that illustrates humans’ actions in nature and repeatedly influences the current climate crisis we are experiencing. In a talk at the University of Bath, promoted by the South West Doctoral Training Partnership (SWDTP), Sabrina Fernandes analyses transition and climate justice within the context of the ‘Polycrisis’. From her internationalist perspective, emphasising practices and theories from the Global South, Sabrina takes up concepts that we should pay attention to when dealing with the current crisis of capitalism.


Sabrina Fernandes

Sabrina Fernandes is a sociologist and political economist with a PhD from Carleton University, Canada. She has researched transitions and ecology for over a decade, with expertise in Latin America. Formerly a postdoctoral fellow with the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and with CALAS, she was also an editor at Jacobin and chief editor of Jacobin Brazil. Her books and articles cover various fields and her publications can be found in English, Portuguese, Spanish and other languages. She is the Head of Research at Alameda Institute


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