Terms of Engagement for Affiliates

1. Definition of affiliate

An ‘affiliate’ is defined as someone who has become a part of Alameda by entering into a formal partnership, established through a Memorandum of Understanding, and who thereby becomes entitled to participate in the in-house cyclical selection processes that chooses research projects for direct funding.

2. Responsibilities

Every affiliate is expected to actively contribute to Alameda and to its affiliate network in the following ways:

(1) Promoting Alameda’s name in relevant publications and public appearances;

(2) Regularly producing an up-to-date summary of research and biographical information, to be shared through Alameda’s newsletter and website;

(3) Participating in activities organised by Alameda to promote integration and interlocution between affiliates;

(4) Participating in in-house activities organised by Alameda in partnership with its political collaborators, where organisations report on their different political experiences;

(5) Participating in activities organised by Alameda in partnership with other organisations, such as workshops, seminars and research presentations;

(6) Contributing to Alameda’s in-house publications – such as dossiers, podcasts, interviews on its YouTube channel, etc – and participating in the public and closed events in which such publications are debated;

(7) Providing occasional help to other affiliates in need of mentorship and intellectual counsel;

Proposing a research project for potential funding is not a necessary requirement for affiliates – just as being an affiliate, albeit a condition to becoming a research fellow, does not guarantee that a proposed project will be eventually selected.

3. Term of affiliation

The assessment of whether these commitments have been kept are to be made on a case-to-case basis by Alameda’s coordinating team, considering each affiliate’s particular context, which often weighs on their availability for engaging with Alameda’s network and its several activities. If an affiliate is deemed exceedingly inactive, with no contextual reasons to justify it, their partnership with the institute will be terminated.

Affiliation with Alameda is valid for a year. After this time, it is possible for Alameda’s committee to offer the affiliate a renovation for another yearly cycle. In cases in which the affiliate has a project being funded by Alameda, or in partnership with it, the affiliate partnership is extended automatically for the duration of the funded project.

If any accusations of ill-conduct are raised against an affiliate, the matter will be considered by Alameda’s secretariat and, if needed, taken to Alameda’s council for a decision regarding possible removal from the network and interruption of ongoing projects. The code of conduct for Alameda is available on its website.

4. Alameda’s role

Alameda guarantees its affiliates the opportunity to submit research proposals for funding during its cyclical calls for projects (CFP). Besides direct funding opportunities, affiliates can count on Alameda:

(1) To regularly provide information about the institute’s current and future activities;

(2) To actively search, on behalf of the affiliate, for remunerated opportunities for publication of their work;

(3) To actively search for indirect funding opportunities for research projects for the affiliate, through partnerships with other funding institutions;

(4) To offer editorial services to affiliates who need help with writing and developing ideas;

(5) To regularly coordinate meetings and events dedicated to finding points of synergy between members of the affiliate network;

(6) To coordinate regular meetings and events dedicated to presenting and debating the experience of different political organisations that are collaborating with Alameda;

(7) To offer space in its media platforms to promote the work of affiliates – through social media, interviews, podcasts, book launches, etc;

5. Financial

The MoU that formalises the affiliate’s engagement with Alameda does not include any financial transitions. Paid publishing assignments brokered by Alameda with other media channels will establish their own separate contractual agreements with the affiliates. 

The affiliate’s commitment to the responsibilities listed in section 2 of this document guarantee, in exchange, access to the benefits provided by Alameda and listed in section 4. This includes the possibility of proposing projects for funding in one of three categories:

Level A Projects: Flagship projects of duration between one and three years, with grants ranging between £20,000 and £120,000. Calls for Level A project proposals open in fixed cycles.

Level B Projects: Large-scale projects of duration between half to one year, grants ranging between £5,000 and £20,000. Calls for Level B project proposals open in fixed cycles.

Level C Projects: Short-term small projects, with grants ranging between £500 and £5,000. These can be proposed at any time to Alameda.

Affiliates can petition for funding by following the appropriate protocol for proposals and requests. Once a project is selected for funding, a separate contract will be established, describing the terms of this specific research project.

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